Safe At Last! Took Down My Rebel Flag & Now I Am Protected!
I took down my Rebel flag (which you can’t buy on eBay anymore by the way) and peeled the NRA sticker off my front window. […]
Safe At Last! Took Down My Rebel Flag & Now I Am Protected!
I took down my Rebel flag (which you can’t buy on eBay anymore by the way) and peeled the NRA sticker off my front window. […]
Safe At Last! Took Down My Rebel Flag & Now I Am Protected!
The Pope went on vacation for a few days to visit the rugged mountains of Alaska. [AdsenseImage] He was driving along near a campground
By today’s standards, none of us were supposed to ever make it. HIGH SCHOOL — 1957 vs 2016 Scenario 1: Jack goes duck hunting before school
High School 1957 vs 2016 – This is so true!!!
T’was the night before Christmas, and up in the tower, The Donald reflected on his newfound power. The conservative masses had come out in force,
Night Before Christmas Funny Trump & Obama Poem!
Check out there top 5 worst plays EVER in that NFL! These are for sure absolutely awful! [AdsenseImage] video below….. Some are funny because they
Enjoy these Christmas jokes to tell to your family or friends around Christmas! Father Christmas: What’s your favorite Christmas story? Elf: The one where the
You MUST see this short, but super funny new horse commercial from Joe Machens they have put on TV, It for sure is an attention
New Freakin Hilarious Horse Commercial – You Gotta See This!
The best snap chats about dogs you will ever see!! If you love dogs like me, you will love these!
Best Dog Snapchats Ever Sent!! LOL
Can anyone tell me the difference between winning and whining? [AdsenseImage] oh look, I found the answer….. [popularposts] As an Amazon Associate we earn from
What is the difference between winning and whining?
Here are some of the Funniest mug shots you will ever see in your life! Share this on Facebook if you think these are funny!
Some Of The Funniest Mug Shots Ever Taken!
Old videos from my old website called that I no longer have. good memories Killer Monkey was a short, yet cheesy film, but was
Remember that stupid argument all over the internet everyone was asking and going crazy over? Well, here we will end this argument once and for
What Color Is That Dress! Argument Ended!
I threw together some images, these are funny, yet very true and sad….. Feel free to use them and make you own if you want,
Anti Trump Protesters Destroying The City – FUNNY CLIPART
Funniest things ever done in a text book
Funniest Things Ever Done In School Text Books!
So just came across this on facebook… this is simply true and funny…. not sure how long this will work, but as of October 30th
Challenge for you! LIAR! Funny
Here is an image a friend of mine asked me to make, I do not think he really thought I would do it, but I
Yo mama so bald, when she braids her hair, it looks like stitches. Yo Mama So bald her hair just reflects the sun away from
Yo Mama So Bald Jokes – FUNNY!
I remember it was about that time that Jim Sloane used to work at the YMCA. Now that was a character. He was, in my
This is a funny song about Hillary Clinton, as funny as it is, it does state tons of true facts! [AdsenseImage] WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW!
Liar Liar – Hillary Clinton – Funny Song
Like Hillary Clinton? Maybe after seeing these funny, yet truthful cartoons you will realize a bit of the truth, do not support Hillary Clinton? Then
Hillary Humor: A Sign of Illness