The year 1914 – a time when the world bore little resemblance to the bustling, technologically advanced place it is today. Let’s journey back in time and explore the astonishing differences that a century has wrought upon our lives.

A Century Ago…
In 1914, life was characterized by a simplicity that’s almost unimaginable today:
- The average life expectancy for men was just 47 years, highlighting the advancements in healthcare that have since extended our lifespans.
- Believe it or not, you could purchase car fuel at drug stores.
- A mere 14 percent of homes boasted a bathtub, and only 8 percent had a telephone.
- There were a scant 8,000 cars on the road, and just 144 miles of paved roads.
- The speed limit in most cities? A leisurely 10 mph.
- The Eiffel Tower stood tall as the world’s tallest structure.
Wages and Professions
The economic landscape of 1914 was starkly different:
- The average wage in the U.S. was a modest 22 cents per hour.
- Occupations saw disparate incomes, with a competent accountant earning $2,000 per year, while a mechanical engineer could expect around $5,000 per year.
- Astonishingly, more than 95 percent of births took place at home.
Education and Healthcare
Education and healthcare had their own set of peculiarities:
- Startlingly, 90 percent of doctors had no formal college education and attended questionable medical schools.
- Sugar cost just four cents a pound, while eggs and coffee were also budget-friendly.
- Personal hygiene practices were quite different, with many women washing their hair only once a month and using Borax or egg yolks as shampoo.
Social and Cultural Differences
Society and culture also reflected the era’s distinct norms:
- Canada had a law that barred poor people from entering the country.
- There was no Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.
- Only 6 percent of Americans had graduated from high school, emphasizing the rarity of higher education.
- Surprisingly, marijuana, heroin, and morphine were available over the counter at local drugstores.
Crime and Communication
Even the nature of crime and communication had unique characteristics:
- The U.S. reported a mere 230 murders for the entire country.
- Today’s ubiquitous technologies, like the internet and smartphones, were still far from conception.
If you love History, from any time period, you have to check out History Time Machine website!!
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