Unit 5 Terminology Nursing

Anuria – Absence of urine formation

Azotemia  – Presence of increased amounts of nitrogenous waste products, esp. urea in the blood

Bacteriuria – The presence of bacteria in the urine

Crede maneuver – For emptying a flaccid bladder, application of pressure over the symphysis pubis for periodic expulsion of urine

Diuresis – The secretion and passage of large amounts of urine

Dysuria – Painful or difficult urination, symptomatic of numerous conditions

Enuresis – Involuntary discharge of urine after the age at which bladder control should have been established

Excoriation – An abrasion of the skin or of the surface of other organs by scratching, traumatic injury, chemicals, burns or other causes

Fracture bedpan – A waste collection receptacle that is not as deep as a regular bedpan, utilized for patients in traction in order to disturb alignment as little as possible.

Glomerular filtration rate – The rate of urine formation as plasma passes through the glomeruli of the kidneys. A normal GFR is between 90 and 120 mL/min

Graduate cylinder – a vessel with one end closed and marked by scribed lines for measuring liquids


Hematuria – Blood in the urine

Hesitancy – Involuntary delay in initiating urination

Incontinent – Loss of self-control, esp. of urine, feces, or semen

Kegel exercises – An exercise for strengthening the pubococcygeal and levator ani muscles.

Ketones – A substance containing the carbonyl group attached to two carbon atoms

Micturition – urination

Nocturia – Excessive or frequent urination after going to bed, typically caused by excessive fluid intake, congestive heart failure, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, urinary tract infections, diseases of the prostate, impaired renal function, or the use of diuretics

Oliguria – Urinary output of less than 400mL/day

Polyuria – Excessive secretion and discharge of urine; specifically, urination in excess of 50mL/kg of body weight per day

Prostate – A gland, consisting of a median lobe and two lateral lobes that surrounds the neck of the bladder and the urethra in the male

Pyuria – Pus in the urine, which is evidence of renal or bladder disease, usually a urinary tract infection

Residual urine – Urine remaining in the bladder at the end of micturition, as in cases of prostatic obstruction or bladder atony

Retention – The persistent keeping within the body of materials normally excreted, such as urine, feces, or perspiration

Specific gravity – The mass of a substance compared with the mass of an equal volume of water

Suprapubic distention – enlarged bladder

Turbidity – Opacity due to the suspension of flaky or granular particles in a normally clear liquid

Urea – The diamide of carbonic acid, a crystalline solid having the formula CH4N2 found in blood, lymph, and urine


Ureter – The tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder

Urethra – The tube for the discharge of urine extending from the bladder to the outside

Urgency – The sudden almost uncontrollable need to urinate

Urinary catheters:

Condom  – Soft, pliable, latex sheath that slips over the penis

Indwelling – Has small inflatable balloon that encircle the catheter just about the tip. When inflated the balloon rest against the bladder outlet to anchor the catheter in place

Straight – Has a single lumen with a small opening about 1.3 cm from the tip. Urine drains from the tip, through the lumen, and to a receptacle

Suprapubic – Surgical placement of a catheter through the abdominal wall above the symphysis pubis and into the urinary bladder

Urinary meatus – is the opening or meatus of the urethra. It is the point where urine exits the urethra in males and in females, and also where semen exits the urethra in males

Unit 5 Terminology Nursing

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