Physiology Exam 4 05/05/2016 What does thyrotropin-releasing hormone target? hypothalamus anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) thyroid gland posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis) Which nervous system promotes increased peripheral resistance and increased blood pressure through the vasoconstriction of systemic arterioles? sensory nervous system somatic nervous system parasympathetic nervous system sympathetic nervous system [AdsenseImage] What vitamin is necessary for the proper production of functional clotting factors in the liver? vitamin D vitamin E vitamin K vitamin C Hypersecretion of growth hormone after the epiphyseal plates closes causes a disorder known as: gigantism pituitary dwarfism acromegaly congenital hypothyroidism A patient has a high level of pyrogens, indicating that she: has a fever. has swollen lymph nodes. is feeling achy. has a sore throat. Determine the impact if the connection between the sinoatrial (SA) node and the atrioventricular (AV) node becomes blocked. The ventricles will beat faster. The ventricular rhythm will not change. The ventricles will beat more slowly. The atria will contract more forcefully. [AdsenseImage] Which blood vessel tunic is innervated by nerves from the sympathetic nervous system? tunica adventitia tunica intima tunica media tunica externa [AdsenseImage] What initiates T cell activation? T cell activation begins when the T cell differentiates into effector cells and memory cells. T cell activation begins with the interaction of the T cell with other molecules on the cells called co-stimulators. T cell activation begins with a cell processing and displaying antigen fragments on its MHC molecules. T cell activation begins when a T cell is ingested by a macrophage. Which of the following represents the systemic flow of most blood? artery, arteriole, capillary bed, vein, venule arteriole, artery, capillary bed, vein, venule arteriole, artery, capillary bed, venule, vein artery, arteriole, capillary bed, venule, vein An insufficient mitral valve (bicuspid valve, or left atrioventricular valve) would allow the backflow of blood into the: left atrium. aorta. right atrium. left ventricle. Platelets can undergo mitosis and perform repairs if damaged. True False What protein, released by cytotoxic T (TC) cells, perforates a target cell’s plasma membrane so that enzymes can enter and fragment the target cell’s DNA? perforins cytokines interleukins interferons [AdsenseImage] Activated B cells differentiate into: effector cells and memory T cells. antibodies and memory B cells. plasma cells and effector cells. plasma cells and memory B cells. Which organ(s) regulate blood volume by altering the amount of fluid released in urine? pancreas liver kidneys spleen Archie has a resting heart rate of 125 beats per minute. Classify his cardiac dysrhythmia. heart block bradycardia tachycardia asystole The universal blood donor is O- since this blood type lacks the A, B, and Rh antigens. True False Increasing levels of blood glucose stimulate the release of insulin. This type of stimulation is known as: neural stimulation. humoral stimulation. hormonal stimulation. positive stimulation. Which of the following is NOT a main effect of the thyroid hormones? regulation of the metabolic rate and thermoregulation regulation of blood calcium levels promotion of growth and development synergism with the sympathetic nervous system Peripheral resistance includes all of the following EXCEPT: blood type. blood vessel length. blood viscosity. vessel radius. The P wave on an electrocardiogram (ECG) represents the depolarization of cells in the: atrioventricular (AV) node. sinoatrial (SA) node. atria. ventricles. Avery has high blood pressure and hypernatremia (excess blood sodium ion concentration). The hypersecretion of which hormone could lead to his condition? aldosterone calcitonin insulin glucagon When arterial blood pressure is measured in the arm with a spygmomanometer, which vessel is used? subclavian artery brachial artery ulnar artery axillary artery Sheena’s B lymphocytes (B cells) produced antibodies to protect her about 3-5 days after she was exposed to a virus. What type of immunity do antibodies provide? acquired immunity nonspecific immunity cell-mediated immunity innate immunity Which of the following does NOT return blood to the right atrium of the heart? superior vena cava inferior vena cava pulmonary vein coronary sinus What type of cell is activated in lymphatic tissue by macrophages presenting antigens during a viral infection? memory B cell plasma cell helper T (TH) cell natural killer (NK) cell [AdsenseImage] The volume of blood pumped by each ventricle in one heartbeat is known as: heart rate (HR). cardiac output (CO). end-diastolic volume (EDV). stroke volume (SV). Where are pathogens filtered from lymph? spleen tonsils lymph nodes lacteals An accumulation of excess interstitial fluid is known as: infection. crenation. edema. lysis. Which of the following might trigger erythropoiesis? Blood oxygen levels fall below normal. an increased number of RBCs decreased tissue demand for oxygen moving to a lower altitude Which hormone lowers blood glucose levels? growth hormone cortisol insulin glucagon When a person has an autoimmune disorder, antibodies are secreted that bind to: allergens. self antigens. immunoglobulins. other antibodies. When is fibrin produced during the coagulation cascade? common pathway both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways extrinsic pathway intrinsic pathway Thymosin and thymopoietin assist in the maturation of: chief cells. T lymphocytes. B lymphocytes. alpha cells. Under what conditions will the myogenic mechanism slow blood flow into a capillary bed? rising hydrogen ion levels rising arteriolar pressure rising carbon dioxide levels dropping arteriole pressure Which of the following is NOT a cytokine involved in innate immunity? opsonins interferons tumor necrosis factor (TNF) interleukins Determine fluid movement when hydrostatic pressure exceeds colloid osmotic pressure at the arteriolar end of the capillary. water is pushed of the capillary by filtration there is no net movement of water water is pulled into the capillary by absorption water is pushed into the capillary by absorption [AdsenseImage] What is a major function of the endocrine system? The endocrine system releases hormones into the bloodstream to reach receptors on target cells. The endocrine system secretes products into ducts that lead to body surfaces or cavities. The endocrine system communicates directly with target cells through the use of neurotransmitters. The endocrine system produces immediate, short-lasting effects. The most abundant component of plasma is: ions. gases. water. proteins. What do vascular spasms contribute to the process of hemostasis? Vascular spasms cause platelets to adhere to exposed collagen. Vascular spasms decrease blood vessel diameter to limit blood loss. Vascular spasms cause activated platelets to release the contents of their granules. Vascular spasms transform fibrinogen into fibrin. Hypertension is defined as: excess aldosterone. high blood pressure. high blood sugar. low blood pressure. During a transfusion, if incompatible antigens are are introduced, antibodies can bind to foreign antigens, causing them to clump together, or: agglutinate. coagulate. activate. granulate. During a tapeworm infection, you would expect to see increased numbers of: eosinophils. neutrophils. lymphocytes. basophils. Which of the following organs contains target cells for oxytocin? mammary glands bones kidneys lungs What produces the “lub dub” heart sounds? the contraction of the atria, and then the ventricles the vibrations of the ventricular and blood vessel walls when valves shut the sound of blood traveling through the heart the relaxation of the atria, and then the ventricles [AdsenseImage] The follicle cells of the thyroid gland produce thyroid hormones while the parafollicular cells produce parathyroid hormone (PTH). True False Which of the following can be used to measure heart rate? Q-T interval P-R interval R-R interval S-T segment Which blood vessels handle the highest blood pressure? systemic veins pulmonary arteries systemic arteries pulmonary veins The pulmonary circuit involves blood flow from the heart to and from the: brain. body. lungs. liver. What vessel delivers oxygenated blood to systemic capillaries for gas exchange? aorta circumflex artery coronary artery pulmonary trunk Which blood type carries anti-A antibodies in the plasma? B- AB+ A+ A- [AdsenseImage] Alabama Football Playing Today: A Glimpse into the Legacy of the Crimson Tide10 Foods You Didn’t Know Could Kill You As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases through some links in our articles.