Awesome U.S. Navy Stealth Jet Drone Take Off

The Navy successfully conducted
take-offs and landings from the nuclear aircraft carrier,
the USS George H.W. Bush, with a new stealth jet called the
X-47B.  What is so different about this plane is the fact that it
is a   ‘drone’.   It is completely unmanned.
Drones come in   all sizes and the X-47B is likely one of the
larger ones.  What is so ironic about all of this is the fact that
the enemy cannot   detect a plane like this in the first
place.  In the unlikely   event they get lucky at
shooting one down, there will be no human   loss of life

captivity.  As you view the flight deck crew   signaling
the plane, they are simply signaling the on-board cameras,
who in turn are being manned by staff inside the command
intelligence center (CIC) on board the ship.  Also check out the
short distance this plane needs for a

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