Comfort Suites Columbia mo

Hoo Dood in Columbia
To make a long story short: 15 minutes prior to arrival I called Comfort Suites, Columbia, Mo, to check availability and hold a room…I took care to call the motel directly since I was nearby. I reserved my room, gave them my credit card, and was told the room was $100. Upon checking in I was told that I had used a booking company. I said no, I called the motel directly and have the name of the person I spoke with. A clerk then told me that because I was visiting my military family and my husband (who was present) was a veteran that we could get a military discount rate of $87. I was GIVEN A RECEIPT for $87. How kind of them to honor our military & veterans! After checking out and arriving at my family’s home on a military post I checked my charge account. I

found that I had been charged $100. and a couple of days later on the statement I was also charged the $87. I called the desk of the motel and explained the problem..I was credited the $87 instead of the $100. I called back to explain the problem again…I was told that I had booked through a booking company for the first $100 and therefore it could not be refunded. She said there was nothing she could do. I decided there IS something I can do…and that is to NOT return again. I called the front desk number…I chose NOT to call a booking company. Bottom line: If I had not checked our credit card closely I could have been charged twice for the room. I did not realize I was hijacked by a booking company…and ended up paying $17 more than the deal I was offered. Not the way I like to do business.

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