Physiology Quiz 9 05/05/2016 Which of the following is NOT a basic function of the lymphatic system? immune functions absorption of dietary fats regulation of interstitial fluid volume regulation of calcium ion concentration in the blood What is the main role of macrophages in the lymphatic tissues? structure and support phagocytosis form structures of neurons form collagen fibers Surface barriers, such as cutaneous and mucous membranes, serve the immune system as the: fourth line of defense. second line of defense. first line of defense. third line of defense. Which lymphoid organ is required for the selection of a functional population of T lymphocytes (T cells) for the immune system? liver thymus thyroid gland tonsil What cells display portions of the pathogens (antigens) they ingest on their plasma membranes? antigen-presenting cells basophils natural killer (NK) cells eosinophils [AdsenseImage] Which of the following is NOT a cardinal sign of inflammation? redness pain cold swelling (edema) Cells that help regulate the immune response are: major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. helper T (TH) cells. cytotoxic T (TC) cells. CD8 cells. Which of the following is NOT a function of antibodies? agglutination neutralization phagocytosis opsonization T cells and natural killer (NK) cells are largely involved in scanning the cells in the body for tumor antigens, a function known as: agglutination. complement. vaccination. immune surveillance. [AdsenseImage] Type I, or immediate, hypersensitivity triggers plasma cells to secrete: IgD IgE IgA IgM What plasma protein is most important for the blood’s colloid osmotic pressure? transport proteins antibodies albumin collagen The function of red blood cells is to: transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. transport nutrients to the body’s cells and tissues. phagocytize bacteria. stop blood loss from an injured blood vessel. The process of red blood cell production is known as: polycythemia. erythropenia. erythropoiesis. erythrocytosis. [AdsenseImage] Neutrophils are most effective at: antibody formation. fighting a parasitic infection. fighting a viral infection. fighting a bacterial infection. Hemostasis is mediated by: erythrocytes. lymphocytes. monocytes. platelets. lect the appropriate pathway for the steps of hemostasis. platelet plug formation, vascular spasms, coagulation, clot retraction, thrombolysis vascular spasms, coagulation, platelet plug formation, clot retraction, thrombolysis vascular spasms, platelet plug formation, coagulation, clot retraction, thrombolysis vascular spasms, platelet plug formation, coagulation, thrombolysis, clot retraction [AdsenseImage] Some rat poisons contain a toxin that block’s the liver’s ability to utilize vitamin K. Animals that consume this poison would have problems with: erythropoiesis. thrombolysis. coagulation. agglutination. Which blood type is compatible with B- during a transfusion? AB- O- B+ O+ Which of the following blood types would agglutinate if donated to a person with blood type A+? O+ B- O- A- [AdsenseImage] Which of the following statements about blood is FALSE? Blood is more viscous than water. Blood helps maintain body temperature. Blood pH normally falls between 6.5 and 6.8. Blood performs immune functions. ESTIMATING POPULATION GROWTH IN A SUBURBAN TOWNBuilding A Business Online As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases through some links in our articles.