Wells Fargo

10 U.S. Companies Employees and Customers Really, Really Hate
JANUARY 13, 2017 10 U.S. Companies Employees and Customers Really, Really Hate
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We’re all about a shiny best-of list, especially as we reflect on the past year.

But a lot of people in America agree: 2016 has been a helluva year. So let’s take a quick moment to reflect on something that’s just the worst: companies with terrible customer service.

Using ratings from J.D. Power, the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), Glassdoor employee reviews and its own annual customer satisfaction survey, 24/7 Wall St. named America’s most hated companies.

Can you guess what companies make the list?

Drumroll, please…

10. Sprint

Sprint has the lowest ACSI rating of any wireless telephone company and the worst customer service rating out of more than 100 companies included in 24/7 Wall St.’s survey.

Plus, many customers are just fed up with the product. A study by mobile performance measurement company Rootmetrics showed Sprint had worse overall performance than Verizon and AT&T across categories.

9. Sears

Apparently customers and employees alike hate this company. It’s one of the lowest-rated department stores by ACSI.

Employees don’t love the company, either. It gets lower than average ratings on Glassdoor. Fewer than 1 in 3 employees would recommend a job with the company to a friend.

They wouldn’t want to subject friends, apparently, to “low wages and unprofessional upper management,” reports 24/7 Wall St.


Customers have begrudgingly come to expect bad customer service from their television service providers. DISH is no exception.

24/7 Wall St.’s survey revealed 47% of respondents reported a negative service experience with the satellite TV service provider.

But it doesn’t stop with customers.

“Few companies are disliked by their own employees as much as DISH,” the report says.

DISH has one of the lowest employee satisfaction ratings of any major company on Glassdoor. Only 38% of employees would recommend a job at the company to a friend.

Maybe to an enemy?

7. Spirit

Ah, an airline whose motto may as well be, “You get what you pay for.”

Unsurprisingly, Spirit is the lowest-rated airline by the ACSI. And every traveler on Twitter.

“Poor customer service is typically not a point of pride for any company,” 24/7 Wall St. quips. “However, for many years, it was a part of Spirit Airlines’ marketing strategy.”

Unfortunately for the airline, many others are catching up with its race to the bottom in prices — without sacrificing the customer experience.

6. Facebook

Not liking a company doesn’t always mean you won’t use its services, apparently.

Facebook’s nearly 200 million users in America aren’t stoked about the site’s privacy policy and data collection… buuuttt how else will we learn what Harry Potter character our friends would be in an apocalypse?

The company also gets flack for what its worst users do on the site.

The public is holding Facebook accountable for the spread of fake news, in spite of its continued rejection of its categorization as a media company.

5. Wells Fargo

Well, no kidding.

Not only did Wells Fargo fall hard in the public’s eye, but it fell in 2016, when we were already crabby from a daily onslaught of bad news.

Last fall, the company agreed to pay $185 million in fines to settle allegations that its employees created millions of fake bank accounts for customers.

Regardless of scandalous headlines, Wells Fargo was among the most-complained-about banks (by transaction volume) in 2016.

And don’t forget a few pesky class-action lawsuits against the company.

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