Sunset Inn & Suites

We paid $100 to stay in a regular room, not one of the fantasy suites. We were looking forward to enjoying the pool and hot tub in the common area late at night, since it is open all night long. We waited until past midnight assuming most of the children would be tucked into bed by then. Ha! What the hotel failed to tell us is local teenagers pay $5 to use the pool area and game room ALL NIGHT LONG. So amidst the drunken girl

fights, the police being called and here for hours, and the remaining dozens of drunk teens and young adults swarming the pool and hot tub, we were able to enjoy zero use of anything but the room. We could have paid half the price and stayed at a different hotel for just a room. Complete disappointment as we are from out of state and were looking forward to a nice night here. Currently watching two more drunk young people being arrested out our room window. Sucks.

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